Essential Concepts
Behind each design is a basic methodological and philosophical concept that should be called an axiomatic system to support it. By explaining these basic concepts as readable as possible, we will consider design methodology, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics and deepen our understanding of design. The descriptions are written by experts in the respective design fields, and these descriptions and correlations are subject to change without notice or annotation as research progresses.
Historical Diagram
The basic concepts of historical design are placed within an emergent genealogy. It shows the chronological, logical, and ideological relationships as well as the cohesion of each concept.
Correlational Diagram
The basic concepts of contemporary design are placed in logical correlations. The five epistemological foundations of neo-realism/positivism?, phenomenology, critical theory, poiesis, and cybernetics are assumed, and each design concept is positioned within these foundations.
The following is a list (in alphabetical order) of the fundamental concepts currently available to the public.